Friday, November 1, 2019

The way police use racial profiling is a big societal problem to how Essay

The way police use racial profiling is a big societal problem to how justice is administered - Essay Example What is even more interesting is the phenomenon related with giving jobs and amenities to a certain race or segment within the society, and this is in direct opposition to how normalcy can be understood within the domains of a society. The racial profiling measures, if undertaken by the police within a society bank on doing away with the norms that thus exist, however this is hardly the case (Greenleaf, 2007). It is important to define what racial profiling in entirety is. It is the employment of an individual’s race or ethnicity realms with the help of the law enforcement agencies or police and is indeed a vital element within the arrest of a person or to leave him as he is. The racial profiling decides if a particular individual is hailing from a distinct race or ethnicity and then to treat him in the same light. This is biased and deals with a lot of hatred for a singular race or ethnic division within the society. These decisions, when undertaken by the law enforcement age ncies and institutions or police become controversial because when one takes into consideration the element of race and ethnicity, the matter does not remain partial at all. In some countries of the world, this is contemplated as an illegal action, which many believe is a step in the right direction. The evidence that is available for the racial profiling regimes is such that it is an ineffective and futile strategy and should always be kept at a safe distance from the discussions which center on the premise of racial profiling. When one thinks of the society as a whole, the racial profiling discussions come out in the open. This is because racial profiling does not give significance to how things are dealt with, in a balanced way. The element of being partial goes out of the window, and thus this is such a nuisance that it hurts the cause of the society more than anything else. What can be done best is to keep away from the shores of racial profiling so that success amongst the jus tice domains is achieved without any hindrance whatsoever (Paxton, 2009). Therefore, there is a dire need to understand the nuances that revolve around the racial profiling debates, and much consideration should be paid towards removing the negativities that surround the systems which engulf the society in more ways than one. Justice is a much desired entity within any society of the world for quite obvious reasons. It is something that paves the way for the growth and development realms within a society and is always welcomed with a sense of purpose and achievement at the end. Justice is always appreciated by the people of the society as they know that the offenders would be taken to task, and their negative intent would be dealt with in a stern way. Peace within any society of the world could be best achieved if the offenders know that if they commit an act which is against the dictum of humanity and sanity, they would be held accountable for the same, and their acts will be banis hed in the strongest possible manner (Crystal, 2010). The deterrent to the justice debates is such an important element that one can think of the racial profiling to be totally against the very idea. The changing scenarios must therefore be understood from the angle of racial profiling as this is significant in the time and age of today. The causes for the racial pr

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