Thursday, November 21, 2019

Self-Developmental Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Self-Developmental Plan - Assignment Example From there this paper details a gaps assessment, chiefly in the form of an assessment of my current strengths and weaknesses relative to where I want to be and where I am at the moment, as well as an action plan for the achievement of my goals, detailing short, medium and long-term aspects of that plan (Thomas and Inkson, 2009). Being a person from China, the plan of course takes into account my Chinese cultural vantage point, and this is the point of departure for the whole exercise. On the other hand, my goal is to work and live in Canada, and therefore this exercise holds immense importance and relevance for me. This being the case, the plan revolves around performing a self-assessment of where I am in terms of my competence in western, Canadian, and North American culture, what my strengths and weaknesses are, where I need to improve, and how I can get to where I need to be in order to be successful in my planned future life in Canada, as a Chinese and Eastern person aspiring for a life in a place that in many cultural respects is the opposite of my cultural upbringing and sensibilities, being situated in North America and being culturally and socially western (Thomas and Inkson, 2009; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, 2009; Vancouver Island University, 2014; Li, 2000; Columbia Encyclopedi a, 2014). I take to heart the feedback from the document called Hofstede Culture Compass Result, which I got from the Hofstede Centre, and which I ground on my own subjective observations and experiences as a Chinese person in my own society, together with my readings on Canadian culture and the dynamics of the interactions between Chinese and Canadian culture. First, it is noteworthy that even from where I am, there are significant variations between my scores and the average scores in China on the different Hofstede dimensions. Whereas, for instance, the average Hofstede Individualism score for China

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