Friday, May 15, 2020

Americas Culture Essay - 1589 Words

America’s Culture America is cultural diversity. It is not home to one race or one culture. The building of American history was done through Irish, Black, Japanese, Korean, and many other cultures combined. The people of these various backgrounds came together for a common cause. To attempt create the society that they believed was better than there original origin’s way of life. Many of these founders undertook great hardships and some even death to create something that some people many times overlook or take for granted. If you look at our American society as a whole, you will notice that many Americans share certain beliefs and even customs in common. From the objects in our houses to the food we eat and the clothing they†¦show more content†¦In response to assimilation Mukherjee says I hope to interact with the country I live in†¦I need to feel part of the community I have adopted and need to put roots down, to vote and make a difference that I can(119). Culture is an idea o f celebrating a common way of life. Every country has a culture and America should not be excluded from this idea simply because of the fact that it is made up of immigrants of many differing cultures. Yes, my family does celebrate ethnic specific traditions but, not for the same reasons my ancestors did. Family practices three traditions that are based on my ethnicity. Every Christmas Eve we practice the Polish tradition of Oplatek. This tradition involves the sharing of special bread between family member while wishing each other a Merry Christmas. Every December 6th, when I was younger, we celebrated the German the feast day of St. Nicholas by placing our shoes near the fireplace in hopes that he we leave a present. Finally, we also celebrate the polish tradition of Packski Day or Fat Tuesday (Which is celebrated the day before Lent begins). I believe that my family continues to celebrate these traditions because they are a fun, a way to bring the family together, and my ancestor ’s celebrated them with pride because they identified who they were. I am proud of who they were culturally, but I am moreShow MoreRelatedAmericas Society in Deborah Tannens book, The Argument Culture1228 Words   |  5 PagesDeborah Tannens book, The Argument Culture, is a compelling piece that looks at the perceived argument culture that is permeating the United States and the West in general. I do agree with what Ms. Tannen is saying, that there is a form of argument culture, but I think it could be argued that there is a contrasting part of American society called a nice culture as well. 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