Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Essay --

The Roman orator once stated, â€Å"Outside of my home is where my life is made† or in the Roman language he said, â€Å"Ex mei domus est ubi mei vita factavest†. He understood that most of our lives take place other than inside our homes. Also, it is important for people to enjoy the natural environment for several reasons. First of all, around the world lumberjacks are cutting down trees to make room for houses, office buildings, movie theatres, malls, and much more. The company who has told these lumberjacks to do this hideous deed does not know that by carrying out this action, the company and its employees are taking away millions of animal habitats. It varies from the Bobcat to the Grey Squirrel and animals like humans need shelter, food, and water to survive but without it, they die. People being able spend time in the outdoors will see what mankind is doing to these innocent little animals and might consider not to demand things that might hurt someone else. They will soon appreciate the natural environment and what Mother Nature has to give to the world. Another reason is that the p...

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