Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Cities since 1780 Essay

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Cities since 1780 - Essay Example Before the industrial revolution took force in England, most of the population lived in rural areas. In fact, over the course of the nineteenth century the population rate of towns would grow from 16% to 54% (Roberts, 348). Up until this time the government's response to civil services in cities was based on the laissez-faire concept of leaving people to their own devices. Because most citizens lived in agricultural areas such necessities as transportation, water and sanitation were not deemed necessary concerns for government interference. The sudden and overwhelming influx of the populace into tight, centralized location forced the government to reconsider this method of governance. With the construction of factories and housing for the labourers sent to work in those factories, cities were faced with newfound and critical needs to reorganize their policies on sewage, travel infrastructure and water supplies. Although the industrial revolution led to terrible working conditions for men, women and even children, and sparked the era of pollution and environmental and ecological exploitation, it was also the driving force behind development and modernization of public transportation, schooling, and health care (Roberts, 351). As a result of people moving into

Monday, October 28, 2019

Psychological Motives for Becoming a Terrorist Essay Example for Free

Psychological Motives for Becoming a Terrorist Essay Introduction Suicide bombing, a major terror strategy of terrorists is, if not the most, one of the most gruesome acts anybody can commit. It is outright crazy and stupid. One must be beside the normal to be entertaining such a thought in mind. Ironically, fanatics who have committed and attempted suicide bombings in the past, were deemed normal until the day when the execution of their ultimate plans were made public whether foiled or completed. People who are afflicted with mental disorder may, as other people, travel for the same reasons – vacation, visiting friends or relatives, business, recreation, and sometimes for religious or spiritual focus (Miller Zarcone, 1968). Others indeed may travel for reasons other than the normal – for reasons triggered by malformed mental state such as the men who carried out the 911 attack of the Twin Towers in New York. Along the 911 attack, suicide bombing through aircraft came to prominence resulting in the stirring of the awareness among the international public of the fact that the regular traveler might not be that â€Å"regular† anyway. It is probable that some of them are driven by excessive anger or motivated by utopic hope as taught in the communities wherein they have pledged their life allegiance (Silke, 2003). Just a few months ago, upon the return of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto to her home country, 124 were killed and 320 plus got injured as a result of another suicide bombing. The bomber threw grenades among crowds of people and afterwards blasted himself to death (CNN update, Oct.18, 2007). It’s difficult to think of sensible reasons why a sane person (if that person was ever considered sane by his colleagues) has committed such an act in the first place. To spend and expend one’s self for a noble cause is commendable only if they benefit people outside one’s own community. It’s never an ideal to advance a religion’s cause at the expense of the lives of other people. A suicide bomber is demented in that even in the logic of religion, all religions presupposed a benevolent god who is both powerful and loving. There must be distortions somewhere within the suicide bomber’s mind to have associated the act of delivering a bomb and acts of piety. Rationale of the argument ~Understanding mental health The majority of theories and models of human behavior fall into one of two basic categories: internal perspective and external perspective. The internal perspective considers the factors inside the person to understand behavior. People who subscribe to this view understand behavior as psychodynamically oriented. Behavior is explained in terms of the thoughts, feelings, past experiences and needs of the individual. The internal processes of thinking, feeling, perceiving and judging lead people to act in specific ways. This internal perspective implies that people are best understood from the inside and that people’s behavior is best interpreted after understanding their thoughts and feelings (Jourad, 1963). The other category of theories takes an external perspective. This focuses on factors outside the person to understand behavior. External events, consequences of behavior, environmental forces to which a person is subject, are emphasized by this external perspective. A person’s history, value system, feelings and thoughts are not very important in interpreting actions and behavior. Kurt Lewin for instance considered both perspectives in saying that behavior is a function of both the person and the environment (Tiffin, McCormick, 1958). Man is a social being and as such his personality is viewed from the society and culture where he belongs. A society represents a geographical aggregate and has boundaries, similar government or a group of persons in meaningful interaction and engaged in social relationship. Personality is the individualizing traits of man which constitute his singularity and differentiate him from any other human being. The three determinants of personality: 1] biological heritage which has direct influence on the development of personality. This includes musculature, the nervous system, and the glands; 2] E.Q. factor describes qualities like understanding one’s feelings, empathy for the feelings of others, and the â€Å"regulation of emotion in a way that enhances living (Gibbs, 1995);† 3] environmental factors. Taking everything normal, environment plays an important role in personality development. Environmental factors are cultural environment, social environment, home and family, culture, status and role and social agent. Many of men’s pronounced stirred-up state of mind such as fear, anger, disgust, and contempt, have posed the question, why? What has caused such a reaction? What has brought a change to his/her behavior? What is the frustration that has brought about such behavior? In the world of a suicide bomber, he/she contemplates on various input or stimuli from the world he/she evolves in. There are frustrations of every form and even without these, his/her psyche or mental state functions on the basis of anything he/she receives (actively or passively) from the milieu. Life’s problems are numerous and as long as one is alive and kicking he will always be faced with problems, be they big or small. Such problems stir-up one’s emotions or feelings which maybe pleasant or unpleasant. Physiological problems, environmental problems, personal deficiencies and psychological concerns bring on a variety of responses; some predictable, others are not. Disorganization of family life, disintegration of personality brought about by depression, great personal suffering, any of these may take any person beyond the limits of his tolerance. Man is born in a social environment surrounded by cultural norms and values. He is faced with cultural taboos and acceptable social behavior. Numerous environmental factors come to the fore which may or may not be easily overcome. One of the most difficult problems in this area is one’s cultural dos and don’ts. Environmental frustrations cannot be avoided, for there are always certain factors in a person’s growth and achievement. Psychological or internal problems are the most difficult to resolve as they are within the inner feelings of a person. One may not be able to detect his/her concerns/anxieties through his /her overt behavior. It may only be inferred from what his/her inner thoughts and feelings are but will not know what caused such a feeling. Psychological concerns of various forms represent a more serious threat to the personality of the individual than do environmental pressures. If severe enough, they may create considerable emotional tension with accompanying behavior disorders. Reacting to pressures and other concerns such as frustration varies from person to person because of their personality differences. These reactions maybe defensive, neurotic or psychotic. Most people are sympathetic to people who develop physical ailments, but regard an individual with mental disorder as â€Å"crazy.† At this juncture, does a suicide bomber then be considered a person with a mental disorder or deemed as â€Å"crazy?† definitions of mental health vary considerably. Freud when asked what he thought a normal, healthy person should do well replied â€Å"love and work.† Karl Menninger’s (1956) definition is quite similar to Freud’s. He states: â€Å"Let us define mental health as the adjustment of human beings to the world and each other with a maximum of effectiveness and happiness. Not just efficiency, or just contentment, or the grace of obeying the rules of the game cheerfully. It is all together. It is the ability to maintain an even temper and happy disposition. This, I think,   is a healthy mind.† When we therefore, try to define mental health, we have in mind the adjustment process which an individual brings into force when he is faced with a problem situation. Adjustment is defined as an individual’s manner of reacting or responding adequately to a perceived problem. From the standpoint of mental health, adjustment refers to a happy and socially acceptable response to life’s situations. Mental health therefore, is the ability of the individual to function effectively and happily as a person in one’s expected role in a group and in the society in general. It is a condition of the whole personality and is not merely a condition of the â€Å"mind† as is often supposed. It is an out-growth of one’s total life and is promoted or hindered by day-to-day experience, not only by major crises as some assume (McCllelland et al, 1973). Mental health is the capacity to live harmoniously in a changing environment; to face and solve one’s problems in a realistic manner; to accept the inevitable, and to understand and accept one’s own shortcomings as well as the shortcomings of others. In this sense, people who develop and encourage Jihad or any â€Å"terroristic† ideas and brainwash others to do the same, are seen people who do have unrealistic way of looking at life and their experiences. They are commonly classified as people having delusions of grandeur among others. This term refers to people who experience a bloated sense of importance or missions and oftentimes associated with corresponding persecution complexes (Jourad, 1963). They therefore harbor also a sense of anxiety that some people are out there to cut off their goals and obstruct their missions. Their resolve to deliver their target aims is even stronger the reason for their methodical and systematic way of doing things. Since they cannot accept that they must co-exist with people whose beliefs radically differ from theirs, they accept the notion that annihilation is a solution and dying a martyr’s death to ensure this goal is the ultimate sacrifice. This kind of mindset comes only from a frame of thinking that has been exposed only to a few options; in fact, only very narrow options. That option is the radical Islamic alternative and nothing else. When living in this world, co-existence is not just something that is talked about inside the halls of the academe: co-existence signifies a mindset that is healthy as well and free from disorders. Mental health is a matter of degree. There is no hard and fast line that separates health from illness. It is not a simple matter to divide the population into two distinct groups-those who should be institutionalized and those who should not be. Many of us at one time or another exhibit traits and pattern of behavior which if, accentuated and continuous, would necessitate psychiatric care (Jourad, 1963). Though radical a thought this may seem, and naturally sounds unrealistic, the ideal place is to set monitoring and evaluation of mental hygiene at some point in time. How to do this is going to be a big issue, expectedly. However, terrorism and the likes of suicide bombing can probably be controlled in some ironic way: by referring to them as idiosyncratic, delusional or even possessing mental disorders. Another way of classifying them is through the Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV (DSM) classification system; these people are versions of psychopaths or psychotics; because the symptoms are there and they cannot function normally among any general population. ~Towards developing a Strategy or Intervention Since the argument of this paper stands on looking at the acts of a suicide bomber as acts emanating from someone with mental illness, it follows that approaches to its reduction or elimination be provided or examined as well. There are three ways of looking at developing and establishing a strategy or intervention: the preventive, therapeutic, and the curative Kolb et al, 1974). There are subtleties that engulf these three but it is good to explore these dimensions. The preventive approach is based on the principles that the best way to ensure a well-adjusted individual is to surround him with environmental influences that will enable him to develop his full potentialities, to obtain emotional stability, and achieve personal and social adequacy. The therapeutic aspect is concerned with the attempt to correct minor behavioral adjustments through the various counseling and techniques of psychotherapy, or adjust to the social/or physical environment of the person in order to help him obtain the amount of emotional security and self-confidence necessary. The curative approach is sometimes called â€Å"preventive psychiatry† and is concerned with the detection and correction of serious but curative but behavioral maladjustments. Although this is the work of a trained clinician or psychiatrist, it is helpful for the layman to have at least a fundamental knowledge of the major types of behavioral maladjustments in order that he/she may have a basis in determining behavioral maladjustments that need the attention of competent specialists. It is therefore necessary, on a serious note, that public awareness on the nature of mental illness on a scope such as that of the course taken by the suicide bombers, coupled with detection of signs and symptoms by neighboring homes and those in the community, help diminish the threat. There are of course other paths or strategies to follow, but why not take all that is available to ensure our security (Kolb et al, 1974). References: 1. CNN, Breaking News, October 18, 2007. 2. Gibbs, Nancy. 1995. â€Å"EQ Factor† Time International, October. 3. Gordon, Harvey, Mike Kingham, Tony Goodwin. Air travel by passengers with mental disorder. Psychiatric Bulletin (2004) 28:295-297. The Royal College of Psychiatrists. 4. Jourad, Sydney, 1963. Personal Adjustment. 2nd Ed. New York: MacMillan Company. 5. Kolb, David Ralph K. Schwitzgebel. 1974. Changing Human Behavior: Principles of Planned Intervention. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 6. McCllelland, David C. R.S. Steele. 1973. Human Motivation: A Book of Readings. Morristown, New Jersey, General Learning Press. 7. Menninger, Karl in Taylor, David, 2003. The concept of mental health in children. European Child Adolescent Psychiatry. Steinkopff. Volume 12, Number 3. Pp.107-113. 8. Miller, W. B. Zarcone, V. (1968) Psychiatric behaviour disorders at an international airport. Archives of Environmental Health, 17, 360 -365. 9. Silke, A. (2003). The psychology of suicide terrorism. In Terrorists, Victims and Society (ed. A. Silke), pp. 93 -108. Chichester: Wiley. 10. Tiffin, Joseph and Ernest McCormick J. 1958. Industrial psychology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dingo :: essays research papers

Nobody is exactly sure where the dingo Ã’Canis familiaris dingoÓ came from, it isnÕt originally from Austrailia but arrived between 3,500 to 4,000 years ago. The oldest dingo fossil is dated at about 3,400 years old. It is thought that the dingo is from the same family as the Indian Wolf, like many domestic dogs (Canis familiaris), but it has enough of its ancestors charachteristics that it has its own variety.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two theories about where the dingo came from. One is that its relatives lived in India and were brought there by indian traders. The other is that its relatives were from south east Asia and was brought there by people traveling the sea. However it happened dingoes did very well in Australia. Their only competition was the Tasmanian devil, the thylacine, and the tiger cat. That competition is pobably what made these animals move to Tasmania which the dingo never reached.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dingoes donÕt form packs like other wild dogs, they either live alone or in small families. Dingoes mate for life and mate once a year. The families have home territories that they rarely leave. Dingo families may co-operate to catch large animals. Dingoes chase their prey. They wear them out in a long chase because they arenÕt very fast runners. Large animals are chased until the dingoes can catch them or until the weaker ones drop back. Dingoes donÕt always get their prey, however kangaroos can lean back on their tails and kick hard enough to rip open a dingoÕs stomach.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The gestation period of the dingo is about 63 days, and the litters average about 5 to 8 pups. After 2 weeks, the mother will throw up food for the pups to eat. After 3 weeks, both parents will bring food to the den. Prey around the den is left for the pups to practice hunting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The usual color of dingoes is yellow-ginger. However other colors have appeared. In northern and central Austrailia, 88.6% of the dingoes are yellow-ginger, 3.8% are black and tan, and 1.9% are white. In southern Austrailia, yellow-ginger dingoes have decreased by 45.9%, but black and tan have increased dy 19.1%, and white dingoes have almost dissapeared.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since Europeans came to Austrailia to farm, dingoes have been nothing but a problem for them. Dingoes kill thousands of sheep and cattle each year. A familiy of dingoes can kill over twenty a night for no reason but blood lust or the young dingoes getting excited. Dingo :: essays research papers Nobody is exactly sure where the dingo Ã’Canis familiaris dingoÓ came from, it isnÕt originally from Austrailia but arrived between 3,500 to 4,000 years ago. The oldest dingo fossil is dated at about 3,400 years old. It is thought that the dingo is from the same family as the Indian Wolf, like many domestic dogs (Canis familiaris), but it has enough of its ancestors charachteristics that it has its own variety.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two theories about where the dingo came from. One is that its relatives lived in India and were brought there by indian traders. The other is that its relatives were from south east Asia and was brought there by people traveling the sea. However it happened dingoes did very well in Australia. Their only competition was the Tasmanian devil, the thylacine, and the tiger cat. That competition is pobably what made these animals move to Tasmania which the dingo never reached.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dingoes donÕt form packs like other wild dogs, they either live alone or in small families. Dingoes mate for life and mate once a year. The families have home territories that they rarely leave. Dingo families may co-operate to catch large animals. Dingoes chase their prey. They wear them out in a long chase because they arenÕt very fast runners. Large animals are chased until the dingoes can catch them or until the weaker ones drop back. Dingoes donÕt always get their prey, however kangaroos can lean back on their tails and kick hard enough to rip open a dingoÕs stomach.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The gestation period of the dingo is about 63 days, and the litters average about 5 to 8 pups. After 2 weeks, the mother will throw up food for the pups to eat. After 3 weeks, both parents will bring food to the den. Prey around the den is left for the pups to practice hunting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The usual color of dingoes is yellow-ginger. However other colors have appeared. In northern and central Austrailia, 88.6% of the dingoes are yellow-ginger, 3.8% are black and tan, and 1.9% are white. In southern Austrailia, yellow-ginger dingoes have decreased by 45.9%, but black and tan have increased dy 19.1%, and white dingoes have almost dissapeared.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since Europeans came to Austrailia to farm, dingoes have been nothing but a problem for them. Dingoes kill thousands of sheep and cattle each year. A familiy of dingoes can kill over twenty a night for no reason but blood lust or the young dingoes getting excited.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


In F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel, The Great Gatsby, the short-lived character of Ewing Klipspringer plays a large role in representing a major theme of the novel: the hollowness of the upper class. Though Klipspringer only briefly appears during the story, his character is an important symbol for the way wealth and the upper class is perceived in the novel. While he may seem like an unimportant character due to his blunt appearance in the novel, he plays a significant part in representing the greedy nd materialistic mentality of the upper class.We are introduced to Klipspringer in chapter five of The Great Gatsby, being described as a â€Å"slightly worn young man, with shell-rimmed glasses and scanty blonde hair. † Klipspringer is a frequent guest at the Gatsby mansion, playing the piano for Mr. Gatsby and staying at the mansion as he pleases. The way he is described in the novel assumes he has a somewhat innocent demeanor, where he is â€Å"decently clothed† and seems awkward and embarrassed when Gatsby asks him to lay the piano; however, he proves to have the opposite disposition.He is otherwise recognized as a freeloader, as he uses Gatsby for his enormous wealth; and he has no sympathy or gratitude for Gatsby, proven by his absence at Gatsbys funeral. In several ways, Klipspringer's greed and selfishness reflects the entire society of the upper class. They take advantage of Gatsbys prosperity and parties; yet they have no feelings towards him. Like the rest of Gatsbys hundreds of guests, Klipspringer fails to attend Gatsbys funeral at the end of the novel.Klipspringer furthermore goes to call Nick during Gatsbys funeral to retrieve a pair of his tennis shoes, rather than calling to send any condolences. Klipspringer's lack of compassion and sympathy speaks for Gatsbys relationship with all of his many guests – although he serves them generously, they lack any gratitude or empathy towards him. Though Klipspringer only appears in th e novel a short time, his brief appearance plays an important role in showcasing a vital theme in the novel: the hollowness of the upper class. At the end of chapter five, Gatsby requests Klipspringer to play him a song on the piano.Klipspringer plays the song, â€Å"Ain't We Got Fun†, singing along, â€Å"One things sure and nothings surer, the rich get richer and the poor get – children. In the meantime, in between time. † In several ways, Klipspringer's song choice suggests the shallow, unhappy lifestyle of the upper class. While they live lavish lifestyles and attend ornate parties, none of these provide any personal value. This proves especially true for Gatsby himself, as he spends large amounts of money on is extravagant parties, yet none of them bring him any true happiness.Klipspringer's freeloading at Gatsbys mansion also shows how wealthy Gatsby truly is, being able to have a personal piano player stay at his mansion. It reflects his â€Å"new money' lifestyle of carelessly spending money, and represents the ostentatious ways of the â€Å"newly rich† residents of West Egg. The upscale residents of West Egg are not brought up by wealthy families, and have not been prosperous for most of their lives; thus, the residents of West Egg are typically more humble, but lack the ophistication of those in East Egg.While Klipspringer was short-lived in the story, he serves as a symbol for the novel's greater theme: the hollowness ot the upper class. Though ne is only one man, he reflects the whole acquisitive society of the upper class; spending money carelessly, and taking advantage of Gatsbys wealth and gaudy parties. Although he only made a brief appearance, he plays a large role in characterizing the egotistic and selfish ways of the upper class in The Great Gatsby.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reaction Paper to a Motivation Article

REACTION PAPER Topic: â€Å"INCENTIVES ARE NOT THE SAME AS MOTIVATORS†Mr. Clayton Christensen, a renowned author in the field of management, wrote an article entitled â€Å"INCENTIVES ARE NOT THE SAME AS MOTIVATORS†. He enlightens his readers on the difference between incentives and motivators. He was born on April 16, 1952 at Salt Lake City, Utah (USA). Besides being a teacher and a consultant, he is also famous in writing articles about innovator’s dilemma. This article was published by Carmen Nobel last June 4, 2012.Some people may say that â€Å"incentives† and â€Å"motivators† are synonymous to each other, but they are different in a major way. Incentives are somewhat like â€Å"prizes† set for the persons who did something beneficial. Meaning, people will do their best to get the prize. Whereas for motivators, it is somewhat like â€Å"encouragements† to persuade people to do their best to enhance their own skills. It is more la sting and holistic. â€Å"Do this and you’ll get that,† These are the words that we always hear from our parents.This is also a very common and popular phrase in companies. Some corporations rely on some sort of incentive programs, wherein there will always be â€Å"fabulous prizes† if the company’s productivity improves. Henry L. Gantt, contributor to Scientific Management, had designed a program wherein every worker who finished a day’s assigned work load would win a 50? bonus for that day. Because of this, of course, we can conclude that all workers labored to win the prize.But behind all these incentives, do all workers really have passion for their work? In my personal experience, when I was young, I also did the household chores because of incentives – washing dishes for new toys, clothes, and other things; cleaning the house for cell phone load; and many more. But after some time, I realized that without any incentives, I am not motiv ated to perform those tasks. Motivations came when I realized that upon completion of the assigned tasks, I can enjoy and benefit from it.I can feel and enjoy the fruits of my labor. In conclusion, I agree with the author that motivations are better than incentives. If you would look at it carefully, if the incentive program will to be used, people will only do their job because of that â€Å"something† that will be given afterwards. However, if the motivation program will to be introduced instead, it would inspire people to do their best at all times, in order for them to be proud, and contented with what they have done, and with what they have achieved.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Health Case Studies 20 Topic Ideas to Dedicate Your Work To

Health Case Studies 20 Topic Ideas to Dedicate Your Work To Health care industry is of huge importance for the humankind. It is busy with the current and possible future problems with our health. It studies all existing illnesses and invents different remedies to treat them. Therefore, it is really important. Many students of medical institutions write different health case studies. There are lots of academic requirements for a case study project. Every requirement has its peculiarities and potential stumbling stones. Nevertheless, every problem has various ways that are able to overcome it. One of the keys to a successful accomplishment of any assignment is to choose an effective topic. It should be relevant and cover really significant issues, which are interesting for other people. If you choose an irrelevant theme or will try to cover a specification and/or issue that already has a solution, your project is doomed to failure. You are supposed to disclose and resolve some yet unsolved problems or give recommendations on how to treat or prevent some issues in the healthcare industry. It’s not always easy to select an appropriate theme. Here is our list of suggestions: The Main Triggers of Diabetes: How to Avoid the Disease? Why Is Obesity Not a Cosmetic But Always Medical Problem? Is It Reasonable and Safe to Use Appetite Suppressants? Can a Stem Cell Therapy Help Against Alzheimer’s Disease? What Are the Main Reasons for the Development of Cancer and How to Treat the Disease? Which Foods and Products Are Dangerous for the Human Health and Where to Find an Alternative for Them? The History of Aids and How Can We Prevent Its Progress Why Do Japanese Live for So Long? Is Their Health Care Industry That Effective? The Comparison of Healthcare Industries in the United Kingdom and the United States of America How Can Who Help the Developing Countries to Improve the General Wellbeing of Their People? Aging: Why Does Our Body Give up Within Time? Which Methods Can Linger the Process of Aging? How to Treat People with Autism? Duromine: Myths, Effective Outcomes and Potential Drawbacks of This Preparation Top New 10 Remedies You Should Never Take in 2018 The Main Factors That Make People Suffer from Various Diseases in Africa Laser Correction of the Sight: How Dependable And Safe Is It? Criminals at Work: How Do Mental Ailments Affect the Mind of the Maniacs? Is Homosexuality a Psychological Deviation or Simply the Conscious Way of Life? The Most Critical Issues of the Healthcare Industry in the United States Of America Make use out of our list of topic suggestions. Choose similar topics and describe really significant matters. Find an issue that is relevant to the current society or your community and highlight it. You are free to choose the direction of your research. You may describe the common problems of an issue, give recommendations on how to treat a disease, discuss health industries of different countries, concentrate on a concrete health deviation and something of the kind. A Health Case Study Sample Sometimes, people know the slightest details about how to write this or that academic research. Nonetheless, they cannot put the things together. To see a picture full, use some examples. Here is one such. One of the most common and really threatening diseases in the world is cancer. It exists in different forms and has disastrous consequences. It ruins the common harmony and takes away thousands of lives annually. Therefore, it should be stopped. In order to overcome cancer, we should undertake effective preventive measures, which lead to a healthy life without the disease. Cancer is a serious disease, which directly threatens our life. It was estimated that in 2018 there will appear 1,735,350 new cases of cancer of different kinds. The predictions are terrifying. Approximately 609,640 patients will die from it or its terrible consequences. The most typical cancer forms are breast, lung, prostate, colon, and bladder cancer. The scientists and physicians do their best to use treatment therapies effectively and with less ruinous consequences. It is known that chemotherapy induces sufficient harm for patients even if they gain a remission. However, the clue may be the prevention of cancer. There are some really effective measures, which will help to escape this terrible problem. Amongst the most obvious methods of prevention are to give up tobacco smoking, maintain a healthy diet, and avoid obesity. Lung cancer is probably the most frequent form of the disease. Many smokers consciously predispose themselves to receive it. The consumption of unhealthy food and excess weight are other two contributors to its occurrence. People should eat healthy and natural products. In addition, it’s recommended being physically engaged. Skin cancer is another typical form of the disease. Therefore, you should not be frequently exposed to the sun. Our body really needs the sunlight. Nonetheless, the dosing should be reasonable. Avoid the sun at midday, when its rays are most harmful. Everybody should better get immunized. The enhancement of your immunity helps to get rid of multiple ailments and deviations. Cancer is no exception. Besides, other ailments, such as hepatitis B, sufficiently increase the probability that cancer may take place. Strengthen your body in different ways, avoid risky behaviors (such as unprotected sex), and have a regular check-up with your physician. Thus, you decrease the risk of being affected by the disease. Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases all over the globe. If we wish to fight it back, we should begin with the maintenance of our lifestyle. We should give up all unhealthy habits and improve our health in different ways. Thus, this disease can be stopped. Look for more health and social care case studies examples. They will help you to define some insights about how to handle this kind of papers and write about this important sphere. Make essential notes and use them in your paper imbuing it with reasonable facts. References: Cancer Health Center.,, 2015. Rodriguez. D. Know the Most Common Types of Cancer.,, 2016. Long. S. The Facts About Common Cancers Are Scary, but They Might Save a Life.,, 2016 Cancer Worldwide Data. WCRF, org,, 2012 10 cancer symptoms women shouldnt ignore.,, 2018 Jung. A. 13 Signs of Cancer in Men You Need to Stop Ignoring.,, 2018 Rath. L. 15 Cancer Symptoms Men Ignore.,, 2016

Monday, October 21, 2019

No Cheap Shots essays

No Cheap Shots essays In this novel, as in life, nothing is either perfectly good or perfectly evil. Scout, Jem, and Dill are learning about a lot different things from very different people. People that have nothing in common or very little. These people vary from black, white, and outcasts. These people are Tom Robinson, Boo Radley, and Dolphus Raymond. Tom was a large piece of good and evil in the courts. Tom didnt really give this information, but his case did it all. It taught them all about the injustice and the true racism in the town. It brought out the racism in the town. The case was in the bag for Atticus but Tom was black which means nothing is going to be correct. Before the case to Jem, Scout, and Dill the towns hatred for blacks was normal but after the case their perspective of the hatred grew too much. This was not all bad to them, this gave them a choice either to be a halfwit like the rest of the town or be what is right, a person who sees all others as an equal as far as race is concerned. Boo Radley was an example of the towns judgement. Boo had a few problems as a kid and a harsh father who would not let him correct his mistakes. This is what started his problems, he couldnt fix his life. Since then he has been beaten down with rumors and lies. No one even went to his house when he was being punished for his actions. He was probably to scared to meet the public or while he was locked up he got to thinking, Im white and an outcast. Everyone hates me or is scared of me. What is the difference between me and the Negroes? This is teaching them the quick and wrong judgement the town has. When they find out how wrong the town is they will give people chances. Mr. Dolphus Raymond to the town is a drunken, mixed up white man. This is automatically the reaction the town has to him hanging out with the black community. They cannot accept the fact he just likes the blacks more than whites. They lea...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Use of Quasiconcave Utility Functions in Economics

Use of Quasiconcave Utility Functions in Economics Quasiconcave is a mathematical concept that has several applications in economics. To understand the significance of the  terms applications in economics, it is useful to begin with a brief consideration of the origins and  meaning of the term in mathematics. Origins of the Term The term quasiconcave was introduced in the early part of the 20th century in the work of John von Neumann, Werner Fenchel and Bruno de Finetti, all prominent mathematicians with interests in both theoretical and applied mathematics, Their research in  fields such as probability theory, game theory and topology eventually laid the groundwork for an independent research field known as generalized convexity.  While the term quasiconcave: has applications in many areas, including economics, it originates in the field of generalized convexity as a topological concept. Definition of Topology Wayne State Mathematics Professor Robert Bruners brief and readable explanation of topology  begins with the understanding that topology is a special form of geometry. What distinguishes topology from other geometrical studies is that topology treats geometric figures as being essentially (topologically) equivalent if by bending, twisting and otherwise distorting them you can turn one into the other. This sounds a little strange, but consider that if you take a circle and begin squashing from four directions, with careful squashing you can produce a square. Thus, a square and a circle are topologically equivalent. Similarly, if you bend one side of a triangle until youve created  another corner somewhere along that side, with more bending, pushing and pulling, you can turn a triangle into a square. Again, a triangle and a square are topologically equivalent.   Quasiconcave as a Topological Property Quasiconcave is a topological property that includes concavity. If you graph a mathematical function and the graph looks more or less like a badly made bowl with a few bumps in it but still has a depression in the center and two ends that tilt upward, that is a quasiconcave function. It turns out that a concave function is just a specific instance of a quasiconcave function- one without the bumps. From a laypersons perspective (a mathematician has a more rigorous way of expressing it), a quasiconcave function includes all concave functions and also all functions that overall are concave but that may have sections that are actually convex. Again, picture a badly made bowl with a few bumps and protrusions in it.   Applications in Economics One way of mathematically representing consumer preferences (as well as  many other behaviors) is with a utility function. If, for example, consumers prefer good A to good B, the utility function U expresses that preference as:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  U(A)U(B) If you graph out this function for a real-world set of consumers and goods, you may find that the graph looks a bit like a bowl- rather than a straight line, theres a sag in the middle. This sag generally represents consumers aversion to risk. Again, in the real world, this aversion isnt consistent: the graph of consumer preferences looks a bit like an imperfect bowl, one with a number of bumps in it. Instead of being concave, then, its generally concave but not perfectly so at every point in the graph, which may have minor sections of convexity. In other words, our example graph of consumer preferences (much like many real-world examples) is quasiconcave.  They tell anyone wanting to know more about consumer behavior- economists and corporations selling consumer goods, for instance- where and how customers  respond to changes in good amounts or cost.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

American University and the Best Realization of the Desires Essay

American University and the Best Realization of the Desires - Essay Example In process of my study at AU, I also want to take part in AU abroad activities which will allow me to study in China during my undergraduate program. AU also will give me a good ability to study customs and traditions of other nations, especially China – it will help me understand deep economic, social and cultural processes taking place in China and in the rest of the world. I am also going to graduate from American University with honours. After graduation from AU, I am going to obtain a Chinese Law degree, and I suppose that American University will give me a great ability for my professional development. American University will expand my educational and personal horizons and help wide my real-world learning experiences. American University will also give me the ability to become a part of the generation of highly educated leaders who have gone through such intensive, prestigious and useful educational institution as American University. In addition to that, I have some pr ofessional and personal traits which will help me achieve success in my study at AU and make an appropriate career in the fields of my interest. I am a steady and stable person, and I know my goals and purposes rather well. In addition to that, I am rather thoughtful and concentrated for my educational and professional goals, and American University will provide the best realization of my desires. I want to take part in the China Project. After graduation, I also plan to return to the USA to pursue a Masters in Law degree.

Friday, October 18, 2019

A criminal offends because he is caused to do so in a way which the Essay

A criminal offends because he is caused to do so in a way which the non criminal is not. Discuss this claim in relation to positivist criminology - Essay Example Although both of these theories belong to criminology at large but their ideologies are significantly different from one another. This paper aims to study positivist criminology while discussing a distinctive claim made in relation to criminology. Moreover, the two theories positivist and classist criminology would be compared to comprehend their basic functions and real world practicality. Criminology is broadly defined as the comprehensive study of why people indulge in to criminal activities. It also includes the observation of various criminal attitudes and behaviors while focusing on external and internal motivation factors (Understanding Criminology Theories, 2014). Studying criminology significantly helps in controlling crime rate since when investigators know the actual reasons for crime they can act accordingly while rehabilitating the criminal. Different criminology theories address different issues, for instance, some are associated with the individual criminals whereas others focus more towards the criminal’s act. Hence some criminologist suggests that criminals make a conscious choice in order to commit the crime while others suggest that community persuades an individual to act in an offensive manner. Thus they consider it the responsibility of social powers and community leaders to ensure that the inhabitants do not fall in to illegal and unethica l activities. This can be effectively done through providing them safe and protected job opportunities with an addition of sustainable living conditions (Understanding Criminology Theories, 2014). Apart from this, criminologists who believe that individuals have internal motivations and instincts to act violently should be determined during various examinations and psychological tests. They must be put in to different negative situations so as figure out their hidden weaknesses and thinking

M1A3 - Organizatinal Behavior Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

M1A3 - Organizatinal Behavior - Research Paper Example Secondly, there is the mental model in which the personal beliefs of an employee towards the company influence their work put. The third concept of transformation is personal mastery that is primarily an individual staff member’s commitment to the betterment of their knowledge through continuous acquisition of knowledge to the advantage of the company and themselves. The fourth concept is the team learning aspect in which the team members strive to learn from each other new ideas benefitial to the company in terms of performance. In addition, the fifth concept is the common goal or the company has shared vision, which all the employees share as the benchmark to which the success of the company should measure up (Marquardt, 2011). Sequentially, this paper will highlight a company in which the transformational aspect will apply effectively to move it in to a learning institution. The broader principles that will form the base of the transformed company will also factor. Recommendations to the company through ethical, cultural, motivational and management improvement will also feature in the paper. Virgin is a British airline owned by British Millionaire Sir Richard Branson. The millionaire has a share percentage of sixty-one, and the other share belongs to Singapore Airlines. This airline has a mixture of airbus and Boeing jets operating across all continents from its operation bases in Heathrow and Gatwick airports. It is the eight largest passenger couriers in the U K due to its passenger volume capacity. However, the company made a loss of over eighty billion pounds at the beginning of February 2012. Ideally, it is one of the few airline companies in the world to own bio-fueled airplanes. In addition, its main rival in the airline sector is the British Airways since its inception in to the international market (Thomson & Martin, 2005). This was because British Airways acted as a monopoly for long as being the only British Airline

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Balanced Scorecard, Costing System, and Production Costs Assignment

Balanced Scorecard, Costing System, and Production Costs - Assignment Example For firms which do not have a centralized operation, an essential requirement for them is responsibility centers which include cost centers, revenue centers, investment centers, and profit centers. The performance monitoring measures for these centers are standard cost, divisional profit and return on investment. The transfer price here is the amount that division A of a company charges to division B of the same company for a product transferred. Accounting systems act as critical support systems for managerial decision making in different organizations. Selecting a new market for a product is a critical strategic management decision which is done by suitable evaluation of costs and benefits. This involves the evaluation of the financial and accounting aspects of an organization as well. The financial variability and the system of cost allocation along with an evaluation of financial resources, activities, and capabilities are to be considered while selecting a target market for expa nding into or for launching new or existing products. Important factors like the time factors, employee performance and employee perception, costs factors, and performance of the organizations can be suitably evaluated through the use of the accounting systems in an organization. The financial information provided by the accounting systems like profit levels, sales growth, returns and other non-financial information like customer satisfaction levels, the performance of the competitors, customer loyalty and competing products act as a support system for managerial decision making for launching a new product into a market including the selection of an entry market. The reverse income analysis is used as a part of accounting to evaluate the capital budgeting aspects of the launch of a product into a new market. The managerial decisions which involve the investments done by an organization in real assets are the most important managerial decisions in terms of economic value creation. The capital investments are done by a business in new and existing projects including investing in building new plants, buying machinery, launching new products etc. are critical for deciding the economic future of a business.  

Fighter Jets Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fighter Jets - Speech or Presentation Example The role of the air force could be divided into the following tasks: interdiction, close support, bombing, reconnaissance and air superiority. Interdiction is the task in which the air force intercepts an aerial target as it is moving towards its destined objective. Close support means the air force will provide lead aerial fire support against opposing ground or sea targets. Reconnaissance is the observation and gathering of enemy presence and movement from a safe distance. Air superiority is the task of securing the airspace of a battle-zone to ensure control of aerial advantages. In the case of air superiority, victory lies in the side that have the better skills and an even a near equal measure of equipment. The only way of getting rid of opposing air superiority is by either having the better pilots and planes, or by having the ground forces have a superior anti-air defense system and weaponry. Fighter jets could make use of either auto-cannons or different kinds of missiles to destroy aerial targets. Auto-cannons are used when aerial combat has become a close ranged dogfight. Missiles are used differently, depending on its kind and size. Some missiles are heat-seeking types which home into any heat signature found in the radar sight. Radar-guided missiles are missiles that are guided to a target based on the direction the radar bore-sight is aimed on. In combat, pilots of fighter jets would either have to maneuver their way from getting shot down, or make use of different countermeasures like flares, chaff or jamming systems, to avert any enemy weapons from hitting them. It should be remembered that the introduction of jet aircrafts, despite being a scientific and engineering endeavor, is a co-related to the arms race of military powers in gaining advantages of air power and superiority. During the First World War, the concept of air warfare was born and put into its early stages of application. While most critics in the military circles that time express ed that aircrafts in warfare will just be relegated to a purely reconnaissance role, a handful of visionary and forward thinking military officers and theorists saw the great potential of aircraft in more combative roles in future wars to come. The latter among the two sides were very much correct. Come the Second World War, the world’s powerful military nations already developed a formal and fundamental doctrine for their air forces. It became apparent to military leaders in the world’s leading nations that control of the air would limit the role of enemy ground and maritime forces since aircrafts literally have the sky as the limits unlike the armies and navies. Germany and Russia developed their air force doctrine to play a close combat support in tandem with their ground forces with respect to combined arms tactics and strategy. The British pursued a more active air superiority and defense role for its aircraft, while developing long range strategic bombing strateg ies with the Americans later on. The Americans and Japanese developed the basis for naval aviation as they produced aircrafts designed to operate on naval aircraft carriers. As the war dragged on, Germany’s air force also developed into air superiority roles as they switched into a more defensive strategy. As the war prolonged during the Second World War, the nations at war would pour a great deal of effort in trying to get the advantage over their adversary by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Balanced Scorecard, Costing System, and Production Costs Assignment

Balanced Scorecard, Costing System, and Production Costs - Assignment Example For firms which do not have a centralized operation, an essential requirement for them is responsibility centers which include cost centers, revenue centers, investment centers, and profit centers. The performance monitoring measures for these centers are standard cost, divisional profit and return on investment. The transfer price here is the amount that division A of a company charges to division B of the same company for a product transferred. Accounting systems act as critical support systems for managerial decision making in different organizations. Selecting a new market for a product is a critical strategic management decision which is done by suitable evaluation of costs and benefits. This involves the evaluation of the financial and accounting aspects of an organization as well. The financial variability and the system of cost allocation along with an evaluation of financial resources, activities, and capabilities are to be considered while selecting a target market for expa nding into or for launching new or existing products. Important factors like the time factors, employee performance and employee perception, costs factors, and performance of the organizations can be suitably evaluated through the use of the accounting systems in an organization. The financial information provided by the accounting systems like profit levels, sales growth, returns and other non-financial information like customer satisfaction levels, the performance of the competitors, customer loyalty and competing products act as a support system for managerial decision making for launching a new product into a market including the selection of an entry market. The reverse income analysis is used as a part of accounting to evaluate the capital budgeting aspects of the launch of a product into a new market. The managerial decisions which involve the investments done by an organization in real assets are the most important managerial decisions in terms of economic value creation. The capital investments are done by a business in new and existing projects including investing in building new plants, buying machinery, launching new products etc. are critical for deciding the economic future of a business.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HOMEWORK 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

HOMEWORK 8 - Essay Example The investor acquires a significant influence when he/she a stock of 20 & 50 percentage of the total stock. The report indicates the investor’s equity in relation to that of the investee on the income statement after carrying out all the necessary adjustments on the investment balance before determining the dividends received. According to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, (2011) the equity recorded on the investee’s income is the investors’ share in the report income after carrying out the amortization on the net investment. The report also indicates the losses incurred in the income.The investor also gain the control when the rights offer an opportunity on the current ability that coordinates the relevant activities in the firm. The power of an investor is determined basing on the concepts of relevant activities and the existing rights in the firm. The investor gains the control through the voting rights and the other contractual arrangements in the firm. In general, the investor acquires full control when the existing rights provide current liability that directly affects the investee’s returns. In the assessment process, all the substantive rights are put into consideration. Bartzokas & Mani states that the investor has total control on specific assets of the investee in the firm. The voting rights must not dominate the control of the stock as all the administrative tasks must be put into

Monday, October 14, 2019

Debt and Trial Balance Essay Example for Free

Debt and Trial Balance Essay DRIVE PROGRAM SEMESTER SUBJECT CODE NAME BK ID CREDITS MARKS ASSIGNMENT WINTER 2013 MBADS/ MBAFLEX/ MBAHCSN3/ MBAN2/ PGDBAN2 1 MB0041 FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING B1624 4 60 Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Q. No Questions Marks Total Marks 1 Give the classification of Accounts according to accounting equation approach with its meaning and examples. Compare the traditional approach with modern approach of accounting equation approach. Analyze the transaction under traditional approach. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 20. 1. 2011 Paid salary Rs. 30,000 20. 1. 2011 Paid rent by cheque Rs. 8,000 21. 1. 2011 Goods withdrawn for personal use Rs. 5,000 25. 1. 2011 Paid an advance to suppliers of goods Rs. 1,00,000 26. 1. 2011 Received an advance from customers Rs. 3,00,000 31. 1. 2011 Paid interest on loan Rs. 5,000 31. 1. 2011 Paid instalment of loan Rs. 25,000 31. 1. 2011 Interest allowed by bank Rs. 8,000 Classification of accounting equation approach with meaning and examples Analysis of transaction –with accounts involved-nature of accountaffects and debit/credit 2 4 10 6 The following trial balance was extracted from the books of Chetan, a small businessman. Do you think it is correct? If not, rewrite it in the correct form. Debits Stock Purchases Returns outwards Rs. Credits 8250 Capital 12750 Sales 700 Returns inwards Rs. 10000 15900 1590 Discount received Wages and salaries Rent and rates Sundry debtors Bank Overdraft 800 2500 1850 7600 2450 Discount allowed Scooty Carriage charges Sundry creditors Bills payable 800 1750 700 7250 690 Journal entries of all the transactions Conclusion 3 6 10 4 From the given trial balance draft an Adjusted Trial Balance. Trial Balance as on 31. 03. 2011 Debit balances Furniture and Fittings Buildings Rs. Credit balances Rs. 10000 Bank Over Draft 16000 500000 Capital Account 400000 Sales Returns 1000 Purchase Returns 4000 Bad Debts 2000 Sundry Creditors 30000 Sundry Debtors 25000 Commission Purchases 90000 Sales Advertising 20000 Cash 10000 Taxes and Insurance 235000 5000 General Expenses 5000 7000 Salaries TOTAL 20000 690000 TOTAL 690000 Adjustments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Charge depreciation at 10% on Buildings and Furniture and fittings. Write off further bad debts 1000 Taxes and Insurance prepaid 2000 Outstanding salaries 5000 Commission received in advance1000 Preparation of ledger accounts Preparation of trial balance 4 6 10 4 Compute trend ratios and comment on the financial performance of Infosys Technologies Ltd. from the following extract of its income statements of five years. (in Rs. Crore) Particulars 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 27,501 22,742 21,693 16,692 13,893 Operating Profit (PBIDT) 8,968 7,861 7,195 5,238 4,391 PAT from ordinary activities 6,835 6,218 5,988 4,659 3,856 Revenue (Source: Infosys Technologies Ltd. – Annual Report) Preparation of trend analysis Preparation of trend ratios 4 Conclusion 5 4 10 2 Give the meaning of cash flow analysis and put down the objectives of cash flow analysis. Explain the preparation of cash flow statement. Meaning of cash flow analysis Objectives of cash flow analysis 3 Explanation of preparation of cash flow analysis 6 2 10 5 Write the assumptions of marginal costing. Differentiate between absorption costing and marginal costing. Assumptions of marginal costing (all 7 points) 4 Differences of marginal and absorption costing (Includes all 8 6 points) 10

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Climate Change Impact On The Caribbean Environmental Sciences Essay

Climate Change Impact On The Caribbean Environmental Sciences Essay The purpose of this brief is to provide accurate information on how climate change will impact Caribbean trade, business and the environment. Realistic mitigation and cost-effective adaptation measures for dealing with this phenomenon are needed. On one hand, climate change presents challenging potential environmental problems and threatens the very foundation of sustainable development and economic stability in the region (Nicholas, 2007 and Bueno, Herzfeld, Stanton, and Ackerman, 2008). Most globally acclaimed scientists predict a rise in sea level and temperature and occurrences of increased and intensified extreme weather events (Niles, 2010). Businesses will generally be impacted by increased cost of production due to heightened energy costs, reduction of raw materials and lower amounts of fresh water. On the other hand, climate change delivers unprecedented opportunities for the islands to benefit from much needed international funding and the liberalization of environmental te chnologies, goods and services that will ultimately lessen vulnerability and strengthen resilience. Climate change undeniably impacts trade. Its impacts are already being felt and will continue to be felt as a result of trade liberalization, trade agreements, environmental regulations and standards, and food security. Although the islands partake in several trade agreements and environmental regulations, these come with strings attached, issues like green protectionism and reduced preferential trade regimes exist. The region is facing tremendous increased competition from food imports, particularly genetically modified foods. While these foods have the potential to strengthen the level of food security globally, it has disadvantageous trade implications for the region. Additionally, climate change can produce inconsistencies and reduction in the regions supply of goods for consumption and export. How will Climate Change impact Caribbean Business and the Environment? Caribbean businesses, especially those that are agriculture and tourism related are highly susceptible to the potential positive and negative impacts of climate change. The climate is a key factor in determining the productivity level of agricultural produce. A few predicted positive impacts of climate change on agricultural production in the Caribbean are increases in the productivity of tropical crops, diversity of crops produced, and accelerated maturity growth (Peter Carte, 2009). As climate change occurs, its impact on business operations becomes less predictable. Any reduction in the agriculture yield directly affects the businesses bottom line and breadwinners ability to provide adequately for their family needs. (Joseluise, 2009). Likely negative impacts are increased infestation, crop damage, soil erosion, increased moisture problems and unreliable forecasting (Carter, 2009). Hence, the method of production and harvesting techniques used may have to be discontinued or upgrad ed as the case may be. The tourism industry cannot sustain itself without a healthy environment. As a region, it is imperative that priority be given to the maintenance and preservation of the environment. This initiative can also serve to boost eco-tourism in the Caribbean. The negative potential change in the climate carries significant implications for tourism businesses and increases the cost of doing business. For example, rising temperatures will amplify the need for cooling appliances. If the snow cap decreases and flights to the region continue to become expensive, then visitors may seek cheaper destination closer to their homes. The unfortunate spin-off effect of this situation is decreased profits for businesses, high unemployment rates and reduced gross domestic product rates for countries. Scientists suggest that climate change is linked to increased coral bleaching, oceanic acidification, coastal erosion, saline intrusion, loss of biodiversity, and extinction of species (AOSIS, 2009 and Sookram, 2005). This has far reaching effects on the environment, since coral reefs are the breeding ground and food source for many different types of species. Many locals depend on fish as their main source of protein and fishermen in the Caribbean depend on the coral reefs for the provision of their livelihoods in the form of fishing. Recommendations for Trade, Business and the Environment Thoroughly analyze regulatory measures and economic incentives targeted at addressing climate change issues, since they have long term implications for the region. In relation to trade, more research on emissions trading and alternative sources of energy is needed along with the incorporation of climate change mitigation initiatives in all future development policies. Business as usual cannot be the mantra, climate change calls for decisive and wise decision making. The education system and local media can be used to share information on the positive and negative impacts of climate change. In order to mitigate future impacts on business and the environment, there is a dire need for enforcing stricter building codes, purchasing comprehensive insurance and constructing sea walls where necessary (Mc Donald, 2010 and Economics of Climate Adaptation, 2010). Possible means of adaptation for the agriculture industry are strengthening of the water supply system, changes in production technology and introduction of new crop varieties (Vega, 2008). Tourism industry businesses need to implement and execute a decisive strategy for the way forward in dealing with climate change issues. Additionally, a more environmentally friendly tourism model is needed. For instance, they can use alternative sources of energy (solar and wind) in facilities, utilize energy conservation technologies, cease further coastal tourism development and acquire environmental certification (Sookram, 2005). Intensive carbon producing businesses should immediately begin lessening their carbon footprint in order to prevent further environmental damage. Conclusion Every individual, household, business, community, and government in the Caribbean region needs to adhere to the urgent appeal to mitigate the potential impacts of climate change. A joint regional collaborative effort is immediately needed; the success of future generations depends on how the region responds to the issue of climate change impact on trade, business and the environment. In light of the thorough analysis of the facts presented here, one can definitely conclude that climate change challenges can be overcome if adaptation and mitigation measures are immediately put into place. The time for action is now!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Kate Chopins Unorthodox Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays

Kate Chopin's Unorthodox Awakening The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, was a book that was truly ahead of its time. The author of the book was truly a genius in her right, but yet she was seen as a scoundrel. At the time, it was "a world that values only her performance as a mother, whose highest expectations for women are self sacrifice and self-effacement." ( ? ) The people of that era were not ready to admit or accept the simple but hidden feelings of intimacy or sexuality and the true nature of womanhood. Kate Chopin's book portrayed a woman of that time in a quite unorthodox way. In fact, [ When she wrote the book in 1899, she ] "achieved what was to prove her literary masterpiece and her ultimate break with popular taste" ( Cully, Intro. ) That book was written in 1899. During this era women were seen as very proper and sophisticated individuals who were considered caretakers of the home. They wore an excessive amount of clothing and never exposed themselves in public or otherwise. If a woman was caught exposing herself in public, would be shunned and looked down upon. Loyalty and commitment to the family was very important during this time. Regardless of their family problems, they were expected to endure and stay faithful. [ In fact, ] " the nineteenth century's message of the supremacy of motherhood was so strong and so intense that it was absorbed into the systems of it's women - even women like Edna [ ,a character in Chopin's book, ] who were not maternally inclined." ( ? ) You could almost say that women were considered symbols of everything that is pure in the society in which they lived. Anything short of that was considered unacceptable. Because of the time that Chopin lived in: " The Appearance in print of her most recent work had brought her harsh criticism and condemnation, as well as ostracism from many of those who had always formed a close-knit world of St. Louis society" ( Cully , vii ). Her book was seen as a vile and disgusting piece of literature. One critic of that time stated : "One cannot refrain from regret that so beautiful a style and so much refinement of taste have been spent by Miss Chopin on an essentially vulgar story."( ? ). Most critics and readers of that era felt the same way as this critic did. People were not willing to put up with what they felt was a trashy novel.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Amelie Landry Professor Evans English 102-2WA 20 March 2012 Diagnostic Imaging: A Sound Career in Sonography One of the main reasons for choosing a healthcare career in todays society, aside from the basic need for a self sustaining income, is the opportunity to make differences in peoples lives. With the demand for healthcare professionals and alternative medicines on the rise, so is the need for adequately educated trained personnel. Diagnostic Medical Sonography is becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to radiologic procedures such as x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Accounting for approximately 50,300 jobs in the United States in 2008, compared to the 214,000 jobs held by radiologic technicians, according to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Sonography is a small yet rapidly growing field. In diagnostic imaging, there are several procedures that aid doctors in the diagnoses of ailments in patients. Radiology, commonly known as x ray, uses radiation to prod uce a picture on a film. Another common imaging method is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which uses giant magnets and radio waves to create an image.However, sonography uses sound waves to generate an image. Through the use of special equipment and computers, diagnostic medical sonographers direct high frequency sound waves into parts of a patient’s body through a wand called a transducer. The transducer sends and receives reflected echoes of sound, much like a dolphin uses â€Å"echo-location† (Merton). The initial responsibility of a sonographer is to explain the procedure to the patient and obtain any additional medical history relevant to the exam.During the exam a sonographer determines which sonogram images are of the best quality and documents any abnormal findings. Elizabeth Jackson, a graduate of diagnostic medical sonography, states â€Å"There is a diverse spectrum of anatomy a sonographer looks at every day which makes it essential that they know what t hey are looking at, what to look for, and what pathology looks like in order to convey what they see to the Radiologist to make an accurate diagnosis. † Interpersonal skills and communications are vital to the success of the diagnostic process.Detailed oriented individuals with biological science and mathematic backgrounds contribute to the field of sonography. The increasing demand for diagnostic imaging and therapeutic technology promises an exceptional outlook for sonographers. The majority of diagnostic medical sonographers are employed by hospitals, but accessibility to low-cost portable ultrasound equipment has led to a growing number of career opportunities at clinics and diagnostic centers (Rising Demand for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers).They now have access to portable units as small as laptop computers making commuting from hospital bedsides to clinical practices easier. Since some sonographers make their own schedules through contracts with clinics, these portabl e units make traveling much more convenient. Less means more in terms of health risks. Unlike some imaging methods, sonography doesn't involve radiation, harmful side effects, nor complications from repeated exposure for both patient and sonographer.Although, due to repetitive movements they are unfortunately prone to musculoskeletal pains. In a report, Murphy and Russo show â€Å"In Figure 1 an illustration of the anatomical sites of discomfort reported by sonographers, showing that higher numbers of respondents experienced discomfort in the shoulder, neck, low back, wrist and hand/fingers. † A sonographer must apply moderate pressure on areas of a patient’s body in order to get an accurate reading with the transducer. These ergonomic issues arise when sonographers are unaware of their body mechanics.Fortunately, there are strategies that influence a better working environment. After evaluating the risks associated with becoming a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonogra pher some might find the monetary compensation, and the cost associated with obtaining the education comforting. The U. S Bureau of Labor Statistics also suggests, â€Å" the middle fifty percent of sonographers earned between $52,570 and $73,680 in 2008. The earning potential of a sonographer is highly dependent upon their level of education.Post secondary education is a must, therefore program or college tuition can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $30,000 depending upon the level of program chosen (What It Costs). The cost of obtaining a bachelors degree in diagnostic medical sonography equates to about half of an annual salary. Before entering the world of sonography, an individual must first decide which learning path is right for them. The educational journey for a sonographer may vary from one to four years depending upon the certificate or degree completed.The typical educational path takes approximately two years (United States). The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical So nography(ARDMS) recommends that a student attend programs governed by The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHP), considering the accreditation is a requirement for taking national registry exams. Prior to admission into a sonography program, the applicant must at least have a high school diploma or GED.Individual schools have different criteria for entry into their program. For example, Delgado Community College requires one of three things: an associates degree, a bachelors degree or successful completion of their Radiologic Technology program. Hospitals may also offer a vocational program. It’s an acronym jungle for the potential sonographer. Upon successfully completing an accredited sonography program, a student has up to five years to apply and take their national registry exam.Once the applicant has been accepted as a candidate by the American of Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS), he or she has only ninety days to actua lly take their exam. A candidate who successfully completes their exam earns the credentials of a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS), a Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer (RDCS), or a Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT). These credentials are dependent upon a graduates specific choice of modality in the field (Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography).With technological advances leading to improved diagnostic capabilities, learning for a sonographer is perpetual. According to the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography, continuing education units are required to maintain their registered title. The ARDMS also mandates a minimum of thirty continuing education credits (CE’s) within a three year period from an accredited teaching facility. Failure of the sonographer in completing the CE requirements usually results in a temporary loss of their credentials and a fine assessed in addition to the regular fee of renewal.So when doing research for a specific healthcare career, careful consideration of all variables is a must. With the growing demand for more outpatient diagnostic imaging sites and a alternative innovations, a sonographer can expect a variety of employment opportunities. It may be a toilsome path for some to walk, but the reward in assisting physicians to make a difference in peoples lives may be all it takes to obtain a sound career in diagnostic medical sonography.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Informal Caregiving

Caregiving Policies and Programs Aleesha M. Mullen University of Louisiana at Monroe Proposed Reference List & Outline: Topic: Care giving: The study of Informal Caregiving Outline: The Social Framework: Who are the Informal Caregivers? How does Caregiving affect their lives? The Ideological Framework: The Meaning of Informal Caregiving The Social Policy Options for Caregivers The values of Informal Caregiving Introduction This text will be exploring the profile of caregivers in today’s society.The profile of a caregiver ranges from the working mother to the wife with three children. There are no boundaries that can fit into this profile. Along with this, the text will explain the ways in which informal caregiving will change a person’s life and how it affects them personally. The different programs and policies that contribute the caregivers in our society will be discussed in dept. These will include private sectors and government sectors that offer support to caregiv ers. There are always good reasons on why informal caregiving should be focused on as an important task.For example, these caregivers come from a diverse demographic background, and their cultures, financial situations, and other aspects play a big role in how they provide care. This is why support should always be offered and administered to make sure the best value and quality of care is given. Therefore, in conclusion this text will be completed by expressing the values of informal caregiving and the changes that could be produced to help improve this line of work. The Profile of In Informal CaregivingThe term caregiver refers to anyone who provides assistance to someone else, who is, to some degree, handicapped, and unable to care for themselves. This could include persons providing care for: a husband or wife who has suffered a stroke, a spouse with Parkinson’s disease, a father-in law with cancer, a grandparent with Alzheimer’s disease, a loved one who is sufferi ng from a traumatic brain injury, a friend with acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS, a child dealing with muscular dystrophy, an elder who is very frail. All of these can demonstrate as a caregiver.Many caregivers are unpaid individuals involved with assisting others who are u unable to perform certain normal activities. The caregivers range in gender, and age. The caregivers in our society today are majority women. There are an estimated 66% of caregivers who are female. Out of this percent, one-third takes care of two or more people, and the average age of a female caregiver is about forty-eight. (â€Å"Selected Caregiver Statistics†, n. d. para. 3). The interesting fact is there are usually more women who are caregivers and when a caregiver is thought of they think about an older female.According to Gary Lee, Jeffery Dwyer, and Raymond Coward, â€Å"Analyses show that adult children are more likely to provide care to a parent of the same gender, and infirm elders are more likely to receive care from a child of the same gender. Because the substantial majority of elderly parents requiring care from children are mothers, this tendency toward gender consistency in the caregiving relationship partially accounts for the fact that daughters are more likely than sons to be involved in parent care. † (Lee, Dwyer, Coward,. 1993). The tasks that are detailed in caregiving include bathing, toileting, and dressing.Among the caregivers, majority of the women population have to handle these most difficult tasks. It can be difficult for caregivers to think about their selves as they have to spend time thinking about another person. Female caregivers are more likely to endure more stress than the male caregivers. Caregivers also have to provide a stressing number of hours to the needy, and this can play a large role on they deal with other issues of life. According to the graph presented below provided by, â€Å"Partnership for Solution†, shows the average number of hours caregivers provide, can range from about fifteen hours to thirty-five hours.The ages range from fifteen years old to seventy-five years or older. Caregiving can affect and change a person’s life in a vast way. The act of providing care to an older family member is a highly personal activity. This is more than likely conducted in the privacy of a family’s home. Informal caregivers go about rescheduling their lives and daily activities to make sure that their loved ones receive the best care they possibly can. There are some caregivers who will go as far as quitting their jobs, or picking up a part-time job to take full advantage of the care they provide.There are people at all points in their life that give and receive informal care. The most common type of relationship is the one between the child and the elderly parent. Along with this relationship, the young caregivers are the ones who are more likely to care for the other family members such as; aunts, and uncles. Takamura and Williams(1998) states, â€Å"Caregiving to other relatives declines through middle age as other familial responsibilities take hold, but increases in the late fifties and early sixties.Over the age of 60, women frequently report providing care to a sibling† (Takamura & Williams, 1998. P. 7). During the middle age years there are usually life altering events that occur. For example, some women may have to deal with the natural act of menopause, and some male caregivers may have midlife crises. Middle age years are the times when the children are growing up or grandchildren are being born, and the immediate family needs the most attention. Although these are all factors that may yield a caregiver to give quality care to a loved one, there are other situations that might occur.For example, there may be an ill child, or disabled child that a parent or loved one will have to provide care to. All ethnic groups have a certain way and culturis t style of providing care. Both black and White Americans share equal amounts of time providing care, although, black women are more likely to be caregivers than white women. Black women may be also more likely to provide care to a disable relative other than an immediate family member than are white women. (Takamura & Williams, 1998. P. 8).Caregiving affects many groups in many different ways and varies by marital status. Caregivers also tend to be a little healthier than the general population. This could be because they are more aware of the health of the people around them and they try to focus on their selves as much as they can. Being a caregiver makes a person more conscious about health. Even though, states early that many caregivers have less time to care for their selves, their consciousness of health is higher. Providing informal care to disabled or ill family or friend is an important normative experience.Most Americans will become a caregiver as point of their life and many will provide informal care at multiple times in their live. Policies and Programs to Support Informal Caregivers Many of all of the types of carers previously listed are in the group of informal caregivers. It is true that these caregivers are not paid, but some are able to receive some sort of assistance from government agencies in different areas of our country. For example, Sweden is a country that focused on the informal caregivers and the things they need to provide quality care for their loved ones (Wacker & Roberto, p. 28). Wacker and Roberto also state, â€Å"Families provide direct and informal care to their elderly relatives, but the government also supports family caregivers through services that help carers directly and by providing compensation to carers†(Wacker. & Roberto p. 228). For example, there is a program entitled, Family and Informal Caregiver Support Program in Maryland, and Hawii. It was a developed explicity for innovative and evidence-based comm unity projects that help friend and family care for chronically ill or disabled and moderate income older adults. (Jeanett Weinberg Foundation, 2012).This is a great example to see how different areas of the world and of our society to offering the much needed support, even around the globe. In figure 1, it explains that Sweden focuses largly on the informal cargivers. Other countries are more focused on the government sectors of formal cargivng mainly due to the fact that a profit is involved. The Sweden government gives what is called, Carer’s allowance,to family who provide informal care to elderly recipient. These are what the Sweden’s government call, voluntary and nonprofit. As you can see in the figure as well the overnment of Sweden does provide help to the universal and local delivery of services for cargiving. It is always great to see the informal caregivers have a part in this government funding a well. Caregivers have to have some kind of support to be abl e to provide quality care. The question is, how do they receive this support and from where do they get it from? Service-based forms of support for carers help offer a large and import form of care. Service-based forms of support are typically emphasized on services that are available in all or most localities, or mainstream services.However, there are certain policies that are referenced based on innovatory or special needs because this is the form that is more widely needed. When looking at service-based forms of support for carers, it is always important to understand the definition of what is meant by a service for carers (Twigg, 1992, p. 60). Twigg says that carers reside in an ambiguous position within the field of social care, being neither patients nor clients. The help that come from carers does so from services aimed primarily at the person they look after.Therefore, the service provided is based on the personal need of the family member or person in need of care. Due to t he close relationship between the cared-for person and the carer, there care needed for the care-for person is relevant to the carer. This means that what counts as a service for carers need to be foreseen widely. There are two main forms of service for carers (Twigg, 1992). The first is specific carer services. These are services that are unequivocally provided to carers, for example respite care and support groups. The second form of service is carer allocations.Carers also receive help from some services that are aimed primarily at the person they look after. Sometimes the allocation is open, for example when a day care place is provided for the cared-for person with the intention of relieving the carer. Sometimes it happens less overtly, as a by-product of assistance to the cared-for person (Twigg, 1992, pp. 60-61). Both forms of service will be included when looking at service-based forms of support for carers. The research of this informal caregiving diffidently shapes policy and how programs are conformed for caregivers and the cared-for person.The respite form of care is one that was developed due to the fact there was research completed. The conclusion for informal caregivers who have jobs, children and other daily activities to be completed, is respite care. This is the most important form of support and specifically for carers. This is a form that can be defined as ‘an interval of relief’ (Tinker et al. , 1998). Of course this can come in a number of forms, although the most commonly available are day care and short-term breaks. Other types of home care relief services and sitting are available, although not in all areas (Tinker et al. 1998). In addition to specific carer services, home care service and community nursing services are aimed primarily at the person that is being looked after. These are both forms of in-home assistance, and they cover a help with in housework, nursing task and personal care. Every service has to be evaluat ed annually or in intervals of time. Many evaluations of services are based on aces to services, the views of carers and the outcomes for the carer. The purpose of the evaluations of services is to draw some conclusions from the details about each service and examining the services as a whole.Historically carers have had problems in being able to access community services. Community social services have been focused primarily on unsupported elderly people who live at home alone. This was a finding that was borne out by a number of studies undertaken during the late nineties. Davies et al. described this as reducing the ‘horizontal target efficiency’ of the service in that it reduced the proportion of people in high priority groups who received services (Davies et al. , 1990). Figure 1: Figure 2: References: Davies, B. , Ferlie E. , Hughes, M. and Twigg, J. (1990). Resources, Needs and Outcomes in Community-Based Care.A comparative study of the production of welfare for elderly people in ten local authorities in England and Wales. PSSRU, University of Kent at Canterbury, Avebury. Lee, G. R,. Dwyer, J. W. , Coward, R. T. , (1993). Gender Differences in Parent Care: Demographic Factors and Same-Gender Preferences. Retieved from http://geronj. oxfordjournals. org/content/48/1/S9. short Partner for Solutions. (2004). Chronic Conditons: Making the Case for Ongoing Care. John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. (2004). Retrieved from http://www. caregiver. org/caregiver/jsp/content_node. jsp? nodeid=401 Roberto, K. amp; Wacker, R. (2011). Aging Social Policies: An International Perspective. SAGE Publication, Inc. , Thousand Oaks, CA. Takamura, J. , Williams, B. , (1998). Informal Caregiving: Compassion in Action. Retrieved from http://aspe. hhs. gov/daltcp/reports/carebro2. pdf Tinker, A. , Wright, F. , McCreadie, C. , Askham J. , Hancock, R. and Holmans, A. (1998). Alternative Models of Care for Elderly People. Age Concern Institute of Gerontology. Twigg , J. (1992). ‘Carers in the service system’. In Twigg, J. (ed. ). Carers: Research and Practice. London, HMSO. Loading†¦ Loading†¦ Loading†¦ Loading†¦

Opportunities and Threats of Toyota

—Fuel Efficiency focus need to keep innovating here, and they have been where they are going to be Rolling out a hydrogen fuel cell car in 2015. They are a leader in this technology as they have been with the plug in electric/gas vehicles. —Continue adapting to customer’s new needs scion – going for our generation of the generation Y, sporty but cheaper models of cars. While the Toyota is known as a family car, the scion is seen as the kids car. Going further, the lexus is known as the exus – going for the people who can spend a little more money, and do not want the super popular cars. —More acquisitions to enter new markets Robotics – created a wheelchair that can be controlled by the mind for people who are paralyzed. They are focusing more on robotics to help the elderly, as they are doing in Japan. This will be great here in America as soon as the Baby Boomers start to retire. Toyota has also dipped their feet into Aerospace and A gricultural biotechnology Average car in the US 11 years old, which is a record. This is at least in part to increasing quality of car manufacturing, making them last longer, but nevertheless, this is an opportunity for all car makers, as people like to upgrade to new technology. Threats —General Motors’ reorganization —VW, BMW~ other cars moving into the fuel efficient focus Honda, Smart cars, Ford, Chevy, Nissan.. They all understand that there is a high demand for these fuel efficient cars with the rising cost of oil, So they are all putting a lot of time and money into the fuel efficiency technology. Also going along with this are the cars that are fully electric and are what I like to call tiny pop cans, like the smart cars. Toyota can lose a lot of —Natural disasters —Emission regulations Emission standards are requirements that set specific limits to the amount of pollutants that can be released into the environment. Many emissions standards focus on regulating pollutants released by automobiles (motor cars) —Higher cost of raw materials One glaring example is the sky-rocketing cost of rubber, a major tire component, which has climbed nearly 74% this year after rising 92% in 2009

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Analysis of Homeland Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Homeland Security - Assignment Example Although security experts agree that the two are the greatest security threats to the country’s homeland security, opinion is still divided as to which of the two poses the greatest security threat to the United States homeland security. However, after conducting a thorough analysis of the operations of the Americanization of terrorist groups and the home has grown terrorists over the past few years, it goes without doubt that the current greatest threat to the U.S homeland security is the home has grown/lone wolf terrorist groups. Firstly, the events that have happened in the recent past shows that the terrorist has changed their tactics to from plotting a large-scale attack on the homegrown or lone wolf attack. With the growth of the internet, homegrown extremists and sympathizers of the so-called American enemies are increasingly becoming radicalized via the internet (Olsson, 2014; Gartenstein-Ross and Grossman, 2009). Some even travel to different countries where they are trained and come back to carry out attacks on their own without any assistance. For instance, investigations have unearthed that the two brothers who carried the Boston Bomb attacks were radicalized through the internet by the Islamist propaganda. These were American citizens who had no any affiliation with the terror groups such as the Al-Qaeda (Zennie, 2014; Herrmann, 2014). The Boston Marathon attack clearly demonstrates that the biggest threat to the U.S. homeland security is the homegrown/lone wolf terror groups and not the Americanization of terror groups as some experts conjecture. The Boston Marathon resulted in the death of three people and left about 264 others wounded after detonating two grenades.  To make matters worse, ISIS has increased propaganda campaign on the social media, which has seen a huge number of Westerners move to Iraq and Syria to support them in the fight (CNN, 2014).   

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The international criminal court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The international criminal court - Essay Example The International Criminal Court was established to provide assistance in the most complex international crime situations. The ICC is a fully independent institution that operates in accordance with the Rome Statute and aims at dealing with the most serious international crimes, including crimes against humanity. Some of the most famous cases in the ICC included the case of Milosevich and prosecutions against the political and military leaders of Congo and Uganda. Based on the principles of legitimacy, fairness, and justice, the ICC exemplifies a successful attempt to resolve the most controversial crime situations and issues at the supranational level. The ICC: purpose and structure The International Criminal Court (ICC) is fairly regarded as the central and most important body in the criminal prosecution process. It â€Å"is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community† (ICC 2010). Needless to say, the ICC is primarily concerned with the crimes against humanity and their consequences. It is a fully independent organization, which has nothing to do with any of the current international humanitarian unions and organizations, including the United Nations, and operates in accordance with â€Å"the norms and principles of the Rome Statute† (ICC 2010). ... the ICC, it is one of the most successful legal courts ever created by humanity – it helps to reach and further maintains â€Å"international consensus on the most problematic definitions of war crimes, genocides, and other crimes against humanity† (ICC 2010). There is an emerging consensus that impunity in the modern society contradicts the basic principles of humanitarian activity and is simply unacceptable (ICC 2010). Following the end of the civil conflicts in Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the International Criminal Tribunal tried but failed to achieve the purpose of global justice; and it was not before 1998 that a new international court was created to support the humanity in its movement toward stability and peace. The ICC is a complex institutional body, which comprises Presidency, Judicial divisions, Office of the Prosecutor, Registry, and other offices (ICC 2010). â€Å"Although the ICC has never been a part or member of the United Nations organization, it maintains productive cooperative ties with the UN† (ICC 2010). Three Judges make up the court’s Presidency, which is primarily responsible for managing, administering, and monitoring all Court’s operations, â€Å"with the exception of the Prosecutor† (ICC 2010). â€Å"The Presidency is elected by other, fellow judges, for a three years’ term† (ICC 2010). The ICC’s current President is Sang-Huyn Song, whereas Judges Fatoumata Dembele Diarra and Hans-Peter Kaul are the first and second vice-presidents, accordingly (ICC 2010). The Court consists of the Pre-Trial, Trial, and Appeals divisions, with eighteen judges in them (ICC 2010). Each division has six judges, which are responsible for proceedings at different stages of the criminal prosecution process (ICC 2010). In its turn, the Office of the Prosecutor’s

Monday, October 7, 2019

The effects of entertainment on culture Research Paper

The effects of entertainment on culture - Research Paper Example Today’s entertainment target particular groups of people basing on modalities such as gender, age, occupation, social standards and even physical abilities. Sadly, today’s fast growing entertainment industry has not come without its share of blame, particularly with regard to culture erosion. Here, culture is taken as the collective belief, customs, and social behaviors of a particular people in a given geographical region. Such is the case that culture function as a tool to identify a group of people simply put as â€Å" totality of a people socially transmitted pattern of thought, manifested in the way they live, worship, relate with each other and perceive humanity† (Macionis & Linda 53). Entertainment is an important part of every culture, a factor that makes it part of both the past and today and even future generations. Such is the case that as the world changes so doe’s entertainment with its effect which is usually reflected on culture, sometimes i n harmful ways. This works details Entertainment impact on culture which is often depicted by audience thought of the people involved, the communication style used, and content of the entertainment, place and time of the entertainment. Generally, audiences are influenced through entertainment into taking new patterns of socializing, thinking and response to inter-cultural communication. Entertainment results to culture clash, an effect that is experience across the globe, particularly following the internet era. Here, cultural interactions in the name of intertainment have resulted to a wide range of outcome, some good and others bad. For instance, Pop culture, widely associated with American entertainment industry is a trend that attracted large audience across America and other regions of the world. This culture that is associated with particular consumer clothing,