Friday, September 27, 2019

Decision Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision Analysis - Essay Example In the United Kingdom it is sometimes awarded for an undergraduate student whose final year consists of higher-level courses and a major research project. This means that the college graduate will be a student for another 2-3 years with higher demands of learning and concentration. Thus, he shall be a step behind all his other supposed colleagues. There is an edge that he could play and it is that he is able to deduce a lot more information on the field but in terms of application, these could be very minimal as well. Statistics show that because of the global economic crisis, more and more students are putting off a College education. In the United States, at least 56% of the High School graduates prefer to seek for white-collared jobs to be able to pay off their living expenses rather than go to school and apply for a financial loan. They choose to begin their careers and working experiences so they could get a head start in their lives in terms of financial stability. If this much of the students do not make it to College, then it is but fair to conclude that employers do limit their requirements on the job description and settle for an Associate's degree when speaking of managerial positions. But as one progresses in his career, he shall realize even more the competition that he is facing and how much he has to strive to be someone companies are actually looking for. As for the second alternative, this fresh college graduate immediately decides not to go for any Master's Degree and just merely concentrate on his work experience and technically this will be his competitive tool. This would be a stronger tool if the graduate is able to maintain a good and reputable track record in his first company that shall enable him to rise above the ranks for either expand his horizons within or outside the company. He could also make sure that before he puts off the idea of getting a Master's degree, he has already focused on specific companies that he will be applying for and clearly know whether they put weight on Master's Degrees. The third alternative could be the most plausible idealism in this decision, however it could be the most time-consuming and most difficult one as well. Time management is off great essence in this particular alternative and sometimes there are companies who are very sensitive to this idea. There are job descriptions who require more than office hours to deliver expected results. Sales positions for instance do not have a working timeframe but they are on-call all week and sometimes all-night. Schedules are eratic for some most especially if you work for the boss directly since it is mandatory that you go by the schedule of your superiors. However, it is like hitting two birds with one stone but most likely there would come a time when he is to make his priorities straight and there would be instances when he will need to do one thing before the other or sometimes, he shall do his work over his school demands. This goes by saying that it is a human reaction to give priority to his work rather than his studies where he does not get immediate results. Unlike a job where one is required to deliver results in a month's time to be able to get his salary, most especially true for those on commission basis. Being able to deliver his utmost best in any of the departments will be most unlikely possible, therefore he will not be able to maximize his

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